Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Usual Three Hours for This Quilter

(I started this Thread the day I was leaving for Santa Fe, so please bear with me as I do my best to catch up to the present)

I knew I had to get up early.  I knew I had no one to help with the driving.  So, as "usual ," I had way too much to do to get a decent night's sleep.  I have even broadened my definition of "decent"  as it relates to means that I thought about sleeping at least a dozen times.

Here I am with fifty bazillion things to do to prepare for the next series of classes and shows, with too few days to work with, and I have to use up five of them driving to and from Santa Fe so we can return my brother's truck and pick up our trailer.

I am delighted to report that the trip out here went smoothly.  We had originally planned to turn right around and head back home without even spending one night but for some reason, rational thought actually came into play, and that great bed was just sitting there, unused.  It would have been  such a waste.  And, based on my scraps, alone, you can imagine how much I hate to waste.

We had a perfectly lovely day here in this spectacular part off the country with my awesome brother, Don, and his delightful wife, Lynne.  It is now Sunday morning and I am packed and ready to boogie.   

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