Sunday, January 8, 2012

This Quilter, Daughter of a Convict

Mother is apparently feeling more like her old self, again.  She decided she wanted to drive to the beach house for our family Christmas and was not in the least bit interested in having assistance, or even company for that matter.  We felt like this was a good sign since she has been so depressed, mainly because she is old, that she has not been interested in doing anything--not even shopping.  Of course, when she drives she does a lot of what she calls "exploring."  This means she takes a lot of wrong turns.  She arrived in Gulf Shores in one piece.  So far, so good. On the way home, she did some exploring.  Half way up an exit ramp, she realized that she did not want to "explore" that route, and, instead of simply continuing up and then back down the next ramp, she decided to drive down the ramp, backwards.  Surprise, there was a police officer just waiting for his next ba-a-a-d boy or girl and Mother was being bad, very very bad.  So, one ticket, one towed car, and one call to the husband, later, the "convict" arrives home, again, in one piece.  So far, not so good....

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