Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Week From Hell

Another phone call.  My brother, Don, just called to say that the police in Alabama had found both our Mother and her husband, Gene, dead in their home.  Apparently Gene had a heart attack going into check on Mother.  When Gene did not show up for his doctor's visit, the office called the police in to check on them.  They found Gene, dead on the floor and Mother gasping for breath.  Emergency services were called but Mother died before they arrived. 

This week is now the anniversary of our Dad's death, our sister's, and our Mother's.  I am officially declaring November a non-month and skipping straight to December from October.  It is the only way I can keep what little sanity I have..........


  1. I am so sorry for all of your losses! I agree-just skip November!

  2. Holy crap, Dianne! My heart is breaking for you!!! Please know that I am thinking of you, hoping you will be able to find some moment of peace somewhere as you deal with all this sadness. Soothing karma being sent your way, and giant hugs.

  3. Oh, Dianne, I am so, so sorry! I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through, or the grief and despair that must be swallowing you whole. It will get better someday, but someday must seem a long, long way off.
