Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lists from a Quilter

I am a list-making fool.  I cannot seem to manage without one.  Of course, today, I did not make a list so I am going through serious list-making withdrawal.  I left stuff at home that I needed on my errands, I forgot to do some essential things.....I need, NEED my list.  I have already started a list for tomorrow.  Now, I just need to add to the list, "take the list with you."

Tomorrow, a local restaurant is offering 15% of the take for the day to help me with my Susan G. Komen Fund-Raising efforts.  Of course, I have to give everyone who comes a flyer that states that.  No flyer, no $$$.  So, the next thing on my list--get those flyers into the hands of the hungry.  Don't forget to make that pledge, that donation, my friends.  Here is the link:

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