Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers' Day, Quilters, et al

 Looks like I am back to my old antics...rarely doing a daily addition to my Threads.  Heck, daily anything seems to be a challenge theses days.   It just seems like every time I cross one thing off my "To Do List," three more things appear that need my immediate attention.  How about a picture of the most recent item that hopped on the band wagon?

This is my most recent apron pattern.  I have not added the ties, but other than that...TA DA.  The center of the flower is a removable hot pad.  Whatchathink?  I work with Darlene who works for Rock-Lon, the company who created the MPC cloth. She frequently asks me to come up with something that uses their product.  This is my latest offering.  The last time I created a project for Darlene, she got tears in her eyes.  Now, I am looking for tears as my standard for a success.  No tears from Darlene will bring tears of another kind to Dianne.  Hey, I did not set the bar;  she did.  It's a tough act to follow even if I was the act.

Now, here is another critic.  No tears, but the rug seems to be getting the nod of approval.  Sure made my day....

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