Saturday, February 16, 2013

Woo Woo for this Quilter

You know, sometimes it is difficult to not believe in Woo Woo.  I have a friend all the way from my High School years who I have kept only sporatically in touch with over the years.  She never calls me.  If we are going to get together, it is I who initiates the contact.  In November, when I was in Birmingham for Mother's memorial, I started trying to call this friend.  The phone simply rang and rang.  Then, over the last three months, I have called several times to no avail.  The answering machine never picked up, nothing.  Now, today, she called me...just to talk.  She was completely unaware that I have been calling her.  Like I said,  woo woo......

Now, I hope you will say another kind of WOO WOO when you see my latest work.  Whatchathink?  It is called Sweet Tooth

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