Tuesday, December 22, 2009


HoHoHo. I met Santa Claus, today, in person !! It was so delightful.

I had made my list, and checked it twice....unfortunately it was not my Christmas wish list, it was a list of the of errands I had to accomplish, today. So, with my car packed with gifts to deliver and my wallet not nearly packed enough, I set out. One of the items on my long long list was purchasing some produce from a local market. So, there I was, arms full of gorgeous Lousiana oranges, heading back out to get in my car. There was a gentleman looking at my car and grinning. Silly me, I was pridefully, thinking he was admiring the jazzy car, itself. When I approached him, he smiled and said, "You must be delivering Christmas presents." I said, "As a matter of fact, I am." He said, "I am too. I am delivering freshly chopped meat and freshly made sausage." "Wow," I said, " I have been a very good girl, too. Of course, that all depends on how one defines, 'GOOD," heh heh." We both chuckled and I sat in my car getting ready to drive off when the man (Santa) waved his hand at me to stop. He reached in his sleigh and got out a package. He came over to my window and handed me a lovely container of sausage !!" What a surprise. Yes, Dianne, there really is a Santa.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

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